
Return Policy

If there is inventory available, we will replace the item (or issue a refund) in the event of a return; otherwise, we will issue a refund.

The cost of the item is set. We don't accept warranties that go over the cost of the goods. The warranty's maximum cost cannot be greater than the purchase price. When the product is delivered to the customer, the warranty period for that product begins.

Please be aware that the 356-day guarantee cannot be used in the following circumstances:

(1) When a customer uses an item incorrectly and causes issues by modifying or disassembling it;

(2) Issues brought on by natural calamities including lightning strikes, water damage, and fires.

(3) Failure/damage caused by a natural disaster/fire failure/damage and connection to an unspecified power supply (voltage, frequency) or other external factors is not covered by the 365-day warranty. If the purchased product fails or is damaged in combination with another product after being resold to a third party, it is attributable to the customer.

(4) We disclaim any liability for secondary losses brought on by defective products. However, just to be clear, the warranty does not cover any damage brought on by willful or serious carelessness, mechanical moving parts, etc.

(5) Delays in product delivery, mishaps, acquired things that are useless or don't serve the customer's goal, problems with compatibility, etc.

Due to the following factors, we are unable to compensate you for your loss:

(1) Social harm (loss of company earnings, business interruption, etc.), information loss, financial loss, personal injury, and recovery-related costs (maintenance costs, installation costs, handling costs, transportation costs, communication costs, transportation costs, processing fees, PC data recovery costs).

(2) Despite our commitment to providing our consumers with accurate product information, errors will inevitably occur. The correctness of data like product descriptions and specifications is not guaranteed by us. To make sure the purchase was made correctly, please double-check the manufacturer's parameter information.

Return process

Sending a return request to the RMA service department, which then determines its validity, receiving an RMA code, filling out an RMA form, attaching the returned item to the form, and returning the payment within seven days after receiving the shipment are the steps in the return process.

Can I exchange or return the goods?

If there is a problem with the goods we provided, we will only accept a replacement or return if the following requirements are met:

(1) We realize that there may be issues with the product we delivered, such as a lack of sufficient quantity, the delivery of the incorrect products, and visible external issues (breakage, rust, etc.).

(2) Please let us know as soon as possible after the item is delivered if any products were shipped incorrectly, insufficiently, or damagedly.

(3) Please contact us within 365 days after delivery if there are any obvious external flaws (rust, breakage, etc.).

The procedures in the return process include sending a return request to the RMA service department, which validates it, getting an RMA code, filling out an RMA form, attaching the returned item to the form, and returning the money within seven days of receiving the shipment.


Can I return or exchange the items?

We will only accept a replacement or return of the goods we delivered if the following conditions are satisfied:

The item is kept reasonably stored in an ESD environment, unused, and solely in the original unopened packing. We reserve the right to accept a return or replace a product.

How should I go if I wish to exchange or return a product?

(1) Let us know within 365 days.

Please get in touch with a Corporate RMA representative and be ready to supply any necessary details, such as one of the following copies: Date of Shipping, Sales Order Number, PO Number, or Invoice a succinct explanation of the issue for the return.

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